Bagged Salt Products

ECOMELT Ice Melter is a mix of solid and liquid de-icers
A top choice for concrete acceleration, ice melting, dust control, and road base stabilization.
Developed as long-lasting ice Melter for sidewalks, steps and pedestrian driveways Clear Path
A combination of ice melting anti corrosive and residual properties of Calcium Magnesium Acetate (CMA).
Just Salt Ice Melter is specifically created for application to pedestrian areas including walkways, stairs,, sidewalks and driveways

Get ready for winter with the Only Safe Ice Melt you can trust

Purchasing salt in a bulk bag is the greatest way if you are looking to economically cover larger areas such as car parks. Ecomelt Ice Melter -Tillson brands, Enforce Calcium Fluoride Flake, Ice Shield, Jet Blue / Clearpath Ice Melter, and Just-Ice Melter are our few bag salt products that offer powerful de-icing in the toughest conditions. Depending on your service site requirements, you may opt for bagged or bulk products.

You need to observe the following precautions when using deicers:

  • Do not over-apply deicing products. Ensure that you follow the instructions on the label carefully
  • Before applying deicing products, clear all the snow from the concrete surfaces
  • Always wear gloves because de-icers are corrosive
  • Never use deicing chemicals in new concrete that is not fully cured

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